25 Meaning of dreams about white wing kapasan birds according to Javanese and Islamic Primbon

Dream of White Wings Cotton Bird – The Kapasan bird is a species of bird from the family Campephagidae, of the Lalage genus. This bird is a type of insectivorous bird that has a habitat on agricultural land, open lowlands, secondary forest, mangrove forest, scattered up high 1000 m dpl.

Maybe you have had a dream of Catching a White-winged Bird or other dreams related to a White-winged Kapasan Bird and then you were curious and searched the internet for what the dream means and accidentally arrived at this blog., then it seems you are in the right place, because this blog will explore the complete meaning of the dream meaning of the white-winged cotton bird. Do not linger for long just refer to the following description.

25 Meaning of dreams about white wing kapasan birds according to Javanese and Islamic Primbon

1. The Meaning of the Dream of Catching a White Winged Cotton Bird in a Garden

When someone is sleeping and dreams of catching a white-winged cotton bird in the garden, this is a good sign, in this primbon is predicted to get unexpected fortune before.

2. Dream Meaning Catching White Wings Birds Using Pellets

Almost the same as dream number one, when someone has a dream of catching a white-winged cotton bird using pellets, then this is a good sign, according to Javanese primbon people who experience this dream will soon get a better job than before.

3. Dream Meaning Catching White Wings Birds Using Food

If someone has a dream of catching white-winged cotton with food, then this is actually a bad sign, According to primbon java a person who has a dream will get a little trouble in his romance.

4. Dream Meaning of Seeing White Winged Birds Above the House

Foretold by Javanese primbon when someone has a dream of seeing a white-winged cotton bird above the house, this is a good sign, because this is a sign that someone who experiences this dream will be reunited with someone who has not met for a long time.

5. Dream Meaning of Seeing White Wings Birds in the Field

A person who has a dream of seeing a white-winged cotton bird in a rice field then this is a very good sign, according to the primbon predicted that people who experience this dream will soon be matched with his soul mate.

6. Dream Meaning Catching White Winged Birds in the Race

When someone sleeps and dreams of catching a white-winged cotton bird in a race, blessed him because according to this primbon it is stated that someone who experiences this dream will soon reconcile with all the problems he is facing.

7. Dream Meaning of Buying a White Winged Bird in the Market

Not much different from dream number four, someone who dreams of buying white wings in the market then this is a good sign because someone who has this dream will be reunited with distant relatives who have not seen each other for a long time.

8. Dream Meaning Catching White Wings Birds in the Field

A person who dreams of catching a white-winged cotton bird in the field is actually a good sign, according to interpreters, someone who experiences a dream will be facilitated in a variety of problems.

9. Dream Meaning Throwing White Wings Birds Dead in the River

When someone is sleeping and dreams of throwing a white-winged cotton bird into the river then this is a bad sign because the interpreter says that those who experience this dream will have problems in their work..

10. The meaning of the dream of being given a white-winged cotton bird Neighbor

when someone is sleeping and has a dream of being given a white-winged cotton bird by a neighbor then this is a good sign, according to commentators someone who experiences this dream will restore harmony with someone who is in trouble with him.

11. Dream Meaning Giving Cotton Birds White Wings To Friends

Almost the same as dream number ten, someone who has a dream of giving a white-winged cotton bird to a friend, then this is a good sign, This interpreter said that someone would avoid his social problems.

12. Dream Meaning of Seeing White Winged Cotton Birds Falling on the Ground

if someone falls asleep having a dream of seeing a white-winged cotton bird on the ground then this is actually a good sign, according to interpreters, someone who experiences this dream will be made easier in his work and can even be promoted.

13. Dream Meaning of Stepping on a White Winged Bird on the Road

When someone dreams of stepping on a white-winged cotton bird on the road, one must be careful because this is a bad sign, according to interpreters someone who experiences this dream will get bad luck.

14. Dream Meaning Catching White Wings Birds With Empty Hands

Ketika seseorang sedang tidur dan bermimpi sedang menangkap Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih dengan tangan kosong maka ini adalah pertanda baik, according to Javanese primbon someone who experiences this dream will get an unexpected fortune.

15. Arti Mimpi Melihat Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Langsung Dihalaman Rumah

Jika seseorang pernah mengalami mimpi melihat Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih lansung Dihalaman rumah, don't worry about what this dream means, because Javanese primbon predicts that someone will be granted the desire or ideals that he has long wanted.

16. Arti Mimpi Membuang Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Mati Ketempat Sampah

If one ever had this dream, actually this is a bad sign, primbon jawa meramalkan jika seseorang mengalami mimpi membuang Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih artinya orang tersebut akan kehilangan beberapa kesempatan yang padahal bisa membuat dirinya lebih baik.

17. Arti Mimpi Memakan Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Yang Masih Mentah

Almost similar to dream number four, seseorang yang mengalami mimpi Memakan Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih yang masih mentah maka ini pertanda yang kurang baik, Java Primbon predicted that someone who experienced it would get bad luck in their work.

18. Arti Mimpi Melihat Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Banyak Dihutan

Jika seseorang bermimpi melihat Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih banyak dihutan sebenarnya ini pertanda baik, according to Javanese primbon predict someone who experiences this dream will be met with a good friend to him.

19. Arti Mimpi Membeli Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Dipasar Malam

Not much different from dream number two, This dream is a good sign, para ahli tafsir mengatakan jika seseorang bermimpi membeli Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih dipasar malam maka orang tersebut akan segera mendapatkan keinginannya.

20. Arti Mimpi Diberi Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Nenek Tua

Tatkala seseorang sedang tidur dan bermimpi diberi Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih nenek tua sebenarnya ini pertanda yang kurang baik, commentators say that if someone experiences this dream, the person will lose his favorite item.

21. Arti Mimpi Menggoreng Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Didapur

Ketika seseorang tidur dan kemudian mengalami mimpi menggoreng Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih ini adalah pertanda baik, because the commentators have said if someone dreams like this that person will live long.

22. Arti Mimpi Melihat Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Mati Yang Hanyut Disungai

Unlike the dream number nine, mimpi ini pertanda yang kurang bagus para ahli tafsir mengatakan jisa seseorang mengalami mimpi Melihat Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih mati yang hanyut disungai orang tersebut akan menjumpai masalah dengan teman dekatnya.

23. Arti Mimpi Makan Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Goreng Bersama Pacar

Untuk seseorang yang mengalami mimpi makan Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih goreng bersama pacar ini pertanda yang sangat baik para ahli mengatakan jika seseorang bermimpi seperti ini maka orang tersebut akan hidup bahagia di masa tuanya.

24. Arti Mimpi Makan Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Rebus

Ketika seseorang sedang tidur dan ia bermimpi makan Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih, then this is a very good sign in the primbon mentioned that this dream is a signal that those who experience it will get an unexpected fortune.

25. Arti Mimpi Menangkap Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih Warna Putih

Not far from the dream above, mimpi menangkap Burung Kapasan Sayap Putih warna putih juga bertanda baik bagi yang mengalaminya, karena dalam primbon mimpi ini diramalkan sebagai isyarat akan bertemu sauKapasan Sayap Putih yang sudah lama tidak berjumpa.