25 The Meaning of Dreams About Little Kai Glasses According to Javanese and Islamic Primbon

Dream of Little Kai Glasses Bird – Spectacles include a number of small warblers that tended to be scattered over the tropics of the Old World. Its genus of character is Zosterops. The birds of this tribe are characterized by circles around the eyes that are white or gray.

Maybe you have experienced the dream of Catching the Little Kai Glasses or other dreams related to the Little Kai Glasses and then you were curious and searched the internet for what these dreams mean and accidentally arrived at this blog., then it seems you are in the right place, because this blog will explore the meaning of the dream of the Little Kai Glasses in full. Do not linger for long just refer to the following description.

25 The Meaning of Dreams About Little Kai Glasses According to Javanese and Islamic Primbon

1. Dream Meaning Catching Little Kai Glasses Bird in the Garden

When someone is sleeping and dreams of catching the Little Kai Glasses Bird in the garden this is a good sign, in this primbon is predicted to get unexpected fortune before.

2. Dream Meaning Catching Little Kai Glasses Bird Using Pellets

Almost the same as dream number one, when someone has a dream of catching the Little Kai Glasses using pellets, then this is a good sign, according to Javanese primbon people who experience this dream will soon get a better job than before.

3. Dream Meaning Catching Little Kai Glasses Bird Using Food

If someone has a dream of catching Little Kai's Glasses using food, then this is actually a bad sign, According to primbon java a person who has a dream will get a little trouble in his romance.

4. Dream Meaning of Seeing a Little Kai Glasses Bird Above the House

Foretold by Javanese primbon when someone has a dream Seeing the Little Kai Glasses above the house, this is a good sign, because this is a sign that someone who experiences this dream will be reunited with someone who has not met for a long time.

5. Dream Meaning of Seeing Little Kai Glasses in the Field

A person who has a dream of seeing the Little Kai Glasses in the rice fields then this is a very good sign, according to the primbon predicted that people who experience this dream will soon be matched with his soul mate.

6. Dream Interpretation of Catching Little Kai Glasses in the Race

When someone sleeps and dreams of catching Little Kai's Glasses Bird in the race, blessed him because according to this primbon it is stated that someone who experiences this dream will soon reconcile with all the problems he is facing.

7. Dream Meaning of Buying Little Kai Glasses in the Market

Not much different from dream number four, someone who dreams of buying Little Kai Glasses in the market then this is a good sign because someone who has this dream will be reunited with distant relatives who have not seen each other for a long time.

8. Dream Meaning Catching Little Kai Glasses Bird in the Field

Someone who dreams of catching the Little Kai Glasses in the field, then this is actually a good sign, according to interpreters, someone who experiences a dream will be facilitated in a variety of problems.

9. Dream Meaning of Throwing Birds Eyes Little Kai Dead in the River

When someone is sleeping and dreams of throwing the Little Kai Glasses bird dead into the river then this is a bad sign because interpreters say that those who experience this dream will have problems in their work..

10. The meaning of the dream of being given a bird with glasses from the neighbor's little Kai

when someone is sleeping and has a dream of being given a Little Kai Glasses by a neighbor then this is a good sign, according to commentators someone who experiences this dream will restore harmony with someone who is in trouble with him.

11. Dream Meaning of Giving Little Kai Glasses to Friends

Almost the same as dream number ten, someone who has a dream of giving the Little Kai Glasses to a friend, then this is a good sign, This interpreter said that someone would avoid his social problems.

12. Dream Meaning of Seeing a Little Kai Glasses Bird Falling on the Ground

if someone falls asleep having a dream of seeing the Little Kai Glasses on the ground then this is actually a good sign, according to interpreters, someone who experiences this dream will be made easier in his work and can even be promoted.

13. Dream Meaning of Stepping on a Little Kai Glasses Bird on the Road

When someone dreams of stepping on the Little Kai Glasses on the road, one must be careful because this is a bad sign, according to interpreters someone who experiences this dream will get bad luck.

14. Dream Meaning Catching Little Kai Glasses Bird With Empty Hands

When someone is sleeping and dreams of catching the Little Kai Glasses with his bare hands then this is a good sign, according to Javanese primbon someone who experiences this dream will get an unexpected fortune.

15. Dream Meaning of Seeing Little Kai Glasses Birds Directly in the Home Page

If someone has had a dream of seeing the Little Kai Glasses bird directly in the yard, don't worry about what this dream means, because Javanese primbon predicts that someone will be granted the desire or ideals that he has long wanted.

16. Dream Meaning of Throwing Dead Little Kai Glasses in the Trash

If one ever had this dream, actually this is a bad sign, Javanese primbon predicts that if someone has a dream of throwing away the Little Kai Glasses, it means that person will lose several opportunities that can actually make himself better..

17. Dream Interpretation Of Eating A Little Kai Glasses Bird That Is Still Raw

Almost similar to dream number four, someone who has a dream of eating a raw little Kai glasses bird, then this is a bad sign, Java Primbon predicted that someone who experienced it would get bad luck in their work.

18. Dream Meaning of Seeing Little Kai Glasses in the Forest

If someone dreams of seeing a lot of Little Kai's Glasses in the forest, this is actually a good sign, according to Javanese primbon predict someone who experiences this dream will be met with a good friend to him.

19. Dream Meaning of Buying Little Kai Glasses in the Night Market

Not much different from dream number two, This dream is a good sign, Interpreters say that if a person dreams of buying a Little Kai Glasses at the night market, that person will soon get what he wants.

20. Dream Meaning of Old Grandmother Kai Little Glasses Dream Meaning

When someone is sleeping and dreams of being given the old grandmother's Little Kai Glasses, this is actually a bad sign, commentators say that if someone experiences this dream, the person will lose his favorite item.

21. Dream Meaning of Frying Little Kai Glasses in the Kitchen

When someone sleeps and then has a dream of frying this Little Kai Glasses Bird, this is a good sign, because the commentators have said if someone dreams like this that person will live long.

22. Dream Meaning of Seeing a Dead Little Kai Glasses Bird Drifting in the River

Unlike the dream number nine, this dream is a bad sign, the interpreters say if a person has a dream seeing a dead bird with little Kai glasses drifting in the river the person will have problems with his close friends.

23. Dream Meaning of Eating Fried Little Kai Glasses with Girlfriend

For someone who dreams of eating fried Little Kai Glasses with his girlfriend, this is a very good sign, experts say if someone dreams like this, that person will live happily in his old age..

24. Dream Meaning of Eating Boiled Little Kai Glasses

When a person is sleeping and he dreams of eating the Little Kai Glasses, then this is a very good sign in the primbon mentioned that this dream is a signal that those who experience it will get an unexpected fortune.

25. Dream Meaning of Catching Little Kai Glasses Bird in White

Not far from the dream above, The dream of catching the White Kai Little Glasses Bird is also a good sign for those who experience it, because in the primbon this dream is predicted as a sign that you will meet Little Kai's glasses, whom you haven't seen for a long time..